Monthly Archives: September 2013

Crazy Train…

The title describes my life perfectly at the moment. My new job is filled with moments sublime and quite literally, crazy at times…myself…my clients…it’s chaos in motion.

Not to mention the fact that they’ve been kind enough to accommodate my son’s varsity football schedule so I can see his final year playing. It’s been awesome but has required me to work some 12 and 16 hour shifts.

This on top of 6 units at school and trying to maintain a home as a single dad (and a huge pay cut for the new job) has been stressful to say the least.

I am becoming a master of time management however, and I intend on posting more often (yes, I’m actually penning in one hour a week to blog, that’s how anal I’ve become, schedule-wise)…

So I’ve got plenty cooking in the ol’ noggin’ but haven’t had time to scribe. For those following, I apologize, but in the absence of anything beyond my narcissistic rambling, I’d like to leave you with something of substance:


I’m currently working on a research paper for my English class arguing that the topic of this documentary is akin to the Conservative movements efforts at engineering Social Darwinism…please check out this critically important topic..

Thanks for hanging with me and more to follow soon!

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014


Because we’re all recovering from something.

The Gastronomy Gal

all things food and nutrition

Affording the MFA

Full funding, stipends, and healthcare for writers!


The Cunt-servatory

Center for Financial Wellness

We support all UC Berkeley students in developing financial wellness - in college and beyond!

The Unraveling Onion

learning life's lessons with an awkward giggle

L7 Bike Adventures

A couple's traveling adventures by bicycle


Have fun while traveling, ride a bike!

Fisticuffs and Shenanigans

It was all fun and games, until the fisticuffs and shenanigans... -Deutschmarc

Gino Pellegrini

Education, Race, Mixed Race, and Multiculturalism


SoCal's leading source for bike news, from around the corner. Or around the world.

Cycling in NY

A blog from an average guy, cycling in NY

Naturally Green Cooking

Green cooking meets natural ingredients with a touch of altitude

The Conejo Valley in the 70's & 80's

Sharing Photos And Stories About The Conejo Valley In The Good Old Days

eryn b good

trying to behave News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.